Daily Discovery: Strange Stories and Amazing Facts: Origins of Mouthwash

Origins of Mouthwash

During World War I and II, American soldiers used to carry a liquid solution with them when they leave to march. When they rested, they would soak their feet into this solution to rid themselves of fungi and other microorganisms that easily cling to their tired, sweaty, boots-enclosed feet.

When the war ended, the company that produced such solution was fearing bankruptcy because there is not as much demand for their product as during the war. They experimented with their solution and found out that with a little tweak, it's an effective mouth rinse.

It is good to note that the filthiest part of the human body is the mouth.

1 comment:

  1. wow i never knew that before. quite interesting and then some. a formula that use to be used for the feet was slightly changed and could be used for the mouth. they did good to save their jobs.
